Mmm… Cafe Tuscano in Pocatello

The food gets an A plus. The guy outside looking over my shoulder, no. Just no.

A work trip to visit Teton Regional Land Trust in Driggs and Sagebrush Steppe Land Trust in Pocatello on Idaho’s Eastside just begs for a stop at Cafe Tuscano. It snowed on and off all day on the drive up and back with more expected tonight and tomorrow.

Good thing we picked and cooked tomatoes at home last night AND that I brought the 4 wheel drive truck… just in case.

They had an unusual pizza (Philly Cheesesteak) but I just couldn’t… So I opted for a nice French red, Crawfish Bisque (surprisingly good – no overwhelming eau de bottom-feeder, cheesy, creamy, with a little heat). I chased it with a Caesar salad (garlicky, lemony, creamy, tart, big shavings of parmesan, beautiful sautéed shrimp, and cracked pepper). Yum!

If you’re ever through here, just stop. There are lots of red meat, white meat, and vegan options. You’ll thank me. You’re welcome.

PS Google both land trusts. They’re doing very good work!


  1. Exciting trip!  Snow is never far away,  huh?You make any journey fun!  Glad you had the truck!Hugs, Nancy and Rich 


    1. Aw, thanks! I’m glad too! I have two more big trips planned this month – one to Salmon and Hailey, and another all the way up to Sandpoint. So far the weather looks pretty decent. Never know though! Come on up for a ride along some time – maybe summmer? It’s been a decade (literally) since your last visit!


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